Worshippers at a Bible-teaching Pentecostal church (Assemblies of God) in Lansing, Mich., were stunned Sunday, November 9, 2008 when members of a gay, pro-anarchy organization named "Bash Back" interrupted their service to fling propaganda and condoms around the sanctuary, drape a profane banner from the balcony and feature two lesbians making out at the pulpit.
The Bash Back organization orchestrated a protest in front of Mount Hope Church to draw the church's security staff away from the sanctuary. Then gay activists who had dressed up and mixed in with church worshippers took action. Prayer had just finished when men and women stood up in pockets across the congregation, on the main floor and in the balcony.
"Jesus was gay," they shouted among other profanities and blasphemies as they rushed the stage. Some forced their way through rows of women and kids to try to hang a profane banner from the balcony while others began tossing fliers into the air. Two women made their way to the pulpit and began kissing.
The Bash Back organization's own announcement of other items members brought into the church, including a megaphone, noise makers, condoms, glitter by the bucket load, confetti, pink fabric.
According to the alternative Lansing City Pulse – which reported it was notified of the protest ahead of time and sent a reporter along instead of warning the church – the protesters also screamed at parishioners and pulled the church facility's fire alarm.
On the newspaper's forum page, a contributor commented, "Homosexuals and anarchists. A perfect combination of human beings with no hope, no morals, no future."
Many demonstrators fled and the rest were quiet after sheriff's officers were summoned. County Sheriff's Department deputies arrived quickly but oddly, no arrests were made. Police were not available for comment.
According to a source inside the church yesterday there was a “journalist” from the Lansing City Pulse along for the ride, tipped off about the action and more interested in getting a story than in preventing the vandalism, the violence and anti-Christian hatred being spewed by activists.
You can expect more actions like this in the wake of the election. Why has not the national media covered this story? If straight evangelicals raided a gay meeting, the nation would know it instantly thanks to the media. You can also be assured the evangelical protesters would be arrested. See Chick's SIN CITY.