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Location: Tallahassee, Florida, United States welcomes all opinions from any religion or viewpoint in the common appreciation of Chick tracts. This blog, however, will highlight religious events and controversies that would be of special interest to regular Chick readers. You don't have to agree with them or each other, but if you read Chick tracts or Battlecry, you might expect these type stories to be addressed. (Sorry, no personal attacks allowed.) All main postings are from writers and any responses are from the public

Friday, February 29, 2008

Chick Documentary Premiers

The premier of the first documentary on Jack Chick and his tracts screens tonight at Florida State University for their Religious Symposium. The film starts at 8PM at the Dodd Hall Auditorium with a food and wine reception to follow. Admission is free and the public is invited to attend. This is the finished version that will play at festivals (a test version screened earlier in the month). The title is "God's Cartoonist: The Comic Crusade of Jack T. Chick". To find out more about the DVD or to be placed on our notification list to order it when it's ready for shipping, visit

Thursday, February 28, 2008

McCain Denounces Obamma Remarks

Senator McCain denounced a supporter who reminded the audience that Senator Obamma's middle name is Hussein (like Saddam's last name). But then the next day, McCain lampooned Obamma for not knowing Al Qaeda was already in Iraq (and running the infamous terrorist organization called... not surprisingly... Al Qaeda in Iraq). Obamma then claimed he knew it all along (although his earlier remarks inferred otherwise) but what he meant was that the Iraq war is what caused Al Qaeda to go to Iraq in the first place. And so the fighting continues... See Chick's MEN OF PEACE?

Coast To Coast Radio Features Kent-like Author

The Coast To Coast late night call-in radio program featured writer Walt Brown tonight (Feb 28th). Brown is an Engineer who wrote a book called "Compelling Evidence for the Creation and the Flood". He echos many of the same arguments that Kent Hovind made in his videos about Evolution and The Great Flood, which are also echoed in various Chick tracts he influenced, including IN THE BEGINNING and BIG DADDY.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ralph Nader Jumps into Race

Green party candidate Ralph Nader just jumped into the Presidential race, angry that the Republicans and Democrats are not being liberal enough. He wants to end the war and the Bush tax cuts and feels neither party are doing enough on either issue. This is the third attempt by Nader. He tends to take away votes from the most left-leaning candidates, so this isn't welcome news for Democrats. See Chick's BUSTED.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

McCain Accused of Sex Scandal

The New York Times accused Senator John McCain of having a sexual affair with a 40 something year-old blond lobbyist. The New York Times is well known as a liberal activist paper, and has received considerable criticism for saving this story until it was too late for Republicans to elect another nominee. (McCain only needs about a hundred more delegates.) The timing of the story is all the more suspicious because the Times knew about the allegations in December but said nothing about them when it endorsed McCain in January (when they also endorsed Clinton). Meanwhile, the married Senator denied all allegations. See Chick's ROYAL AFFAIR.

Saudi Arabia Arrests 57 Flirters

Religious police in Saudi Arabia cracked down this week on contact between the sexes by arresting 57 males for flirting. Contact outside of marriage is forbidden in strict Islamic countries. Saudi Arabia cracked down earlier on any business that sold red roses on Valentine's day. They claim it is a "Pagan/ Christian holiday." See Chick's MEN OF PEACE?

Vatican Places Inquisition Artifacts on Display

The Vatican placed some artifacts from the Inquisition on display in Rome. Missing are any of the controversial items, including information on the means of torture used on victims or the estimated number of innocents executed for not believing official church dogma. Chick believes the number is in the millions. See MY NAME IN THE VATICAN. Read article at:

Monday, February 11, 2008

Obama Wins Grammy, Clinton/ Carter Lose

Senator Obama beats out Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter in their bid to win the Grammy for best spoken word album. There was a time when this award went to artistic pursuits like audio prose and poetry, but lately, liberals have been using the award to spotlight their favorite politicians who record their rhetoric on tape (as well as release it in print). Why the board failed to award Jack Chick a Grammy for his recordings of Smokescreens or Closet Witches may never be known. Haw-haw!

Priest in Florida Accused

Another Catholic Priest is accused of child molestation, this time with an under-aged girl. The priest in question resides in Pensacola and details are to be made public later in Tallahassee at a news conference. See Chick's MAN IN BLACK.

McCain benifits from Mormon's Exit

With the recent departure of the conservative Mormon from the GOP race for President, left-leaning Senator John McCain starts to pick up support that would have otherwise gone to his more right-leaning opponents. Today Gary Bauer endorsed McCain because of the Senator's support to overturn Roe Vs. Wade. (That, and McCain's support for the war are two of his rare conservative positions.) It was seen as a blow to dark horse candidate Mike Huckabee, who won the endorsement of James Dobbson of Focus On The Family fame. See Chick's BUSTED.

Jack Chick/ Tract Documentary Screened

Our documentary on Chick and his tract ministry played to a full crowd on Friday (Jan 8th). It was a test screening with two showings here in Tallahassee. Written comments were collected and were overwhelmingly positive. One glitch: When John Todd's conspiracy about the Illuminati was being explained, the power suddenly went out for several minutes. It turned out that a plane had crashed not far from the theater at a busy intersection, blowing up a transformer and plunging most of Tallahassee in darkness. (The "enlightened ones" will stop at nothing to silence us!) The title of the 90 minute film is "God's Cartoonist: The Comic Crusade of Jack T. Chick". Some minor changes will be made and the next showing will be at FSU's Symposium for Religious Studies - Friday Feb. 29th at 8:30pm. The location is Dodd Hall Auditorium Florida State University. For more info, see

Saturday, February 09, 2008

International Darwin Day

Evolutionists celebrate Darwin's 199th birthday with International Darwin Day. Tallahassee joined the event his year to help pressure the state education board to mandate that Evolution be taught as a fact instead of a theory in Florida. See Chick's BIG DADDY.