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Location: Tallahassee, Florida, United States welcomes all opinions from any religion or viewpoint in the common appreciation of Chick tracts. This blog, however, will highlight religious events and controversies that would be of special interest to regular Chick readers. You don't have to agree with them or each other, but if you read Chick tracts or Battlecry, you might expect these type stories to be addressed. (Sorry, no personal attacks allowed.) All main postings are from writers and any responses are from the public

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

California Judges Threaten to Overturn Gay Marriage Ban

The Californian Supreme court, famous for it's left wing activism, has stepped in to listen to (and probably overturn) the state's ban on gay Marriage. The ban was sustained by a lower court, but all members of the Supreme Court decided they wanted to have a shot at overturning the law that the vast majority of their citizens voted for. See Chick's THE GAY BLADE.


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