Former Jesuit Fights Prop 8 For Gays in State Supreme Court
Showing a surprising disdain for the will of the voters, Jerry Brown, former California Governor and ex-Jesuit seminarian, has joined gay forces in attacking the propostion before the State Supreme Court (the same court that unilaterally legalized gays to marry in the first place-- months before taxpayers were permitted to vote on the matter). Brown (a Democrat) wants to run for Governor again, and although he earlier said he would follow his duty as the State's Attorney General to argue whatever the outcome of the election, now he's flipped flopped in order to court favor with the gay voting block. Arguing for the proposition and the right of the people to pass it is none other than Ken Starr, the same man who exposed Bill Clinton for purgury in the Lewinsky affair. See Chick's BUSTED.
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