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Monday, December 08, 2008

Crystal Cathedral Cracks

Pastor Robert H. Schuller, founder of the Crystal Cathedral, has removed his son, Robert A. Schuller, as preacher of the church's weekly Hour of Power syndicated TV broadcast.

According to the Orange County Register, the church will bring in a guest pastor each week to preach during the show. The newspaper says the elder Schuller told the congregation Sunday that he did not force his son out.

The senior Schuller also said through a spokesman that he and his son had different ideas regarding the direction and "vision for the ministry."

"For this lack of shared vision and the jeopardy in which this is placing this entire ministry, it has become necessary for Robert and me to part ways," said the church founder.

Robert A. Schuller will remain as senior pastor of the Crystal Cathedral and will return to the pulpit occasionally, according to his dad. Robert H. Schuller turned over the church ministries and the television program to his son in 2006.

The Hour of Power is broadcast to more than a dozen countries worldwide. See Chick's THE BRAT.


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