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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Senate-Gate Scandal Promises White Christmas

The recent scandal involving the selling of Barak Obama's Senate seat to the highest bidder promises plenty of "snow jobs" for political hacks this upcoming Christmas season. Already, the Rev. Jesse Jackson's son has been implicated as one of the politicians who offered half a million to one million for the seat. Although he strenuously denies it, his supporters donated exactly the promised amount in a recent fundraiser for the Illinois Governor who sought the quid pro quo. Other Democrats are scrambling to deny any association with the (now tainted)Governor, including those those who vigorously campaigned for him, like President elect Obama. Obama is stating he had no contact with the Governor after the election, despite photos showing them together and news reports linking the two together in late November. (Like the famous Nixon-Watergate and Clinton-Lewinsky scandals, politicians usually fall afoul the authorities not for committing the crime that began the investigation, but for trying to cover up embarrassing details after the scandal becomes news.) Meanwhile, Democrats attempt to remove the Governor from office quickly by claiming that he is too sick to Govern. Allowing the usual impeachment would begin a trial and cause all the details of the scandal to become public. (So much for "transparency".) See Chick's THE WICKED MAGISTRATE


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