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Monday, June 16, 2008

Supremes Bypass Election to Allow Gay Cal Marriage

After voiding a popular state ban and then going out of their way to prevent the public a chance to pass a Constitutional ammendment to prevent gay marriages, the early deadline set by the California Supreme court ends today (June 16). Now homosexuals will marry in that state by the thousands. (A UCLA study estimates half of the states 100,000 gay couples will wed, and estimate 68,000 gays from outside the state will also arrive to wed.) However, the scheme could backfire as the blatent judicial activism will help motivate angry conservative and mainstream voters to turn out in droves in November when the ammendment finally comes to a vote. The tilt in turnout might cost Democrats a vital state in the general election, and could be a deciding factor in determining if Obama (who is friendly towards gay marriage) and McCaine (who disapproves of it) becomes president. See Chick's DOOM TOWN.


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