Robertson Weighs In On Dems and Gay Marriage
Conservative televangelist Pat Robertson thinks Democrats are committing political suicide with their decision to promote gay marriage for the LGBT community.
Speaking on his television program on Tuesday, Robertson said the Democratic Party has a "death wish" in backing marriage equality as part of its official platform, which will be unveiled at this summer's Democratic National Convention.
"For the Democrats to go out on that limb, it just seems like to me that they are further alienating themselves from the mainstream of America," Robertson said. "If that’s what they want to do, fine, but it will mean the death knell of their party, it seems like to me, and of course that’s what they’re doing but maybe they have a death wish."
Some polling contradicts Robertson's assertion. A survey released on Tuesday by the left leaning Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life shows that 48 percent of the overall public supports same-sex marriage, while only 44 percent oppose it. Among Democrats, 65 percent support the right of gay couples to marry. Whatever the public polls say, respondents are known to answer controversial questions in a politically correct way when polled face to face, and then voting differently in the privacy of the ballot station.
Robertson, an opponent of same-sex marriage and pro-gay laws in general, has made numerous statements against the LGBT agenda in the past. Robertson has compared homosexuality to "demonic possession," and pointed out that legalizing gay marriage could result in a "downward slide" toward beastialty and child molestation. The recent scandal in the Catholic Church with homosexual priests abusing young boys and teenagers has also been the subject of his criticism.
Two days after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, Robertson hosted Rev. Jerry Falwell on his program and together they infamously blamed the tragedy on "the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians, who are actively trying to make an alternative lifestyle." See Chick's DOOM TOWN.
Who's Robinson?
He's the Christian host of the 700 Club.
Whose Falwell?
Jerry Falwell is another Christian televangelist and founder of The Moral Majority (a voter group that mobilizes conservative Christians to participate in elections).
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