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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Black Muslim Woman Shot by Police During Attack

An Atlanta woman who allegedly mailed threats to lawmakers was shot and killed by police during an altercation on Christmas Day.

Jameela Barnette, 53, was indicted earlier this year for her supposed involvement in the sending of malicious packages to two New York lawmakers.

Barnette was accused of mailing a pig's foot to the office of Rep. Peter King (R) in April. A note included in the package read "Kiss my black Muslim ass," and referred to King as a "Jew," even though he is Catholic. The incident came in the wake of King's hearings on Muslim "radicalization."

Barnette was also indicted for allegedly sending a fake weapon of mass destruction to the office of New York State Sen. Greg Ball in the form of a bottled liquid labeled "Zyklon B." The substance was eventually identified as perfume oil. The package also included a screed against Jews and Christians and a stuffed toy monkey with Stars of David fastened to it.

Barnette pleaded not guilty to both charges in November in a U.S. District Court in Atlanta, and was later released on $20,000 bond on the condition that she send no more threatening messages and undergo a psychiatric evaluation, Georgia's WSBTV reports. According to CNN, a woman claiming to be Barnette had earlier told New York's WXXA that "she was a grandmother and a Muslim upset with Ball for holding hearings earlier this year on New York City's vulnerability to terrorism."

On Sunday, Cobb County police responded to multiple panic alarms activated at Barnette's residence.

A statement from the Cobb County police claimed that an aggressive Barnette met the responding officer.

"Moments after knocking on the door, a female (who was armed with a knife and handgun) opened it and began assaulting the officer with the weapons," the statement read. "Despite receiving injuries to his arm, the officer was able to use his service weapon to stop the assault."

Barnette died at the scene, while the injured officer was treated on site and released. He has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation of the incident. See Chick's SKYLIGHTER.


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