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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Former SNL Writer And Activist Kills Self

Former "Saturday Night Live" writer Joe Bodolai has died in an apparent suicide. His body was found in a Los Angeles hotel room by a cleaning crew, with a mix of anti-freeze and Gatorade nearby.

Bodolai, a writer on "SNL" for the 1981-1982 season and a producer on the Canadian hit sketch show "Kids in the Hall," kept a blog called "Say It Ain't So, Joe," where he posted a long final note on December 23rd. In his short section of "Things I Regret," he included, "My inability to conquer my alcoholism" and "That I am no longer able to withstand any more of life's pain."

His suicide post also claims he was proud of his two grown sons ("graceful, intelligent, strong, handsome, creative and loving young men"), and his wife Bianca ("If there is a loving god, she was my blessing"). Bodolai also listed his liberal activism as an achievement, including resistance to the Vietnam War and campaigning for Robert Kennedy. See Chick's NO FEAR.

Professionally, he was most proud


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