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Monday, May 16, 2011

Glen Beck Urges Israel to Keep Jerusalem

Glenn Beck announced on his radio show Monday that he is planning to hold a rally in Jerusalem in August called "Restoring Courage." Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally drew vast crowds to Washington, D.C. in August of 2010, but Beck said that drawing as many to Jerusalem will be more difficult.

Beck went to Israel and Jerusalem last week. He warned his listeners on Monday that he thinks disaster is imminent for Israel, because of a "two state solution that cuts off Jerusalem" from the world.

"God is involved in man's affairs, but so is the force of darkness," Beck continued ominously. "I believe I've been asked to stand in Jerusalem. Many in the history of man have had the opportunity to stand with the Jewish people...and they have failed." He asked listeners to "stand with me, in Jerusalem" in August.

Beck candidly admitted that he didn't know how many people would show up, or how much the event would cost. But he called the rally a "life altering event" and warned that the "very gates of hell" would fight his attempts to hold the rally.

Jerusalem was part of the occupied territories seized by Israel during the 1967 war. Israel moved its government from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in the 1980s to help increase its claim upon the city. It is considered a holy city by Arabs, Jews, and Christians. See Chick's THE SQUATTERS.


Blogger manuel said...

this is preached in the book of revelations

7:25 PM  

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