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Monday, January 19, 2009

Obama Flipped on Gay Marriage

On the eve of the swearing in of the new President, a newly-uncovered questionnaire Barack Obama filled out in 1996 for a Chicago pro-homosexual newspaper reveals that while running for the Illinois State Senate, he favored legalizing same-sex marriages and vowed he "would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages."

Matt Barber, the director of cultural affairs at Liberty Counsel and Liberty Alliance Action, says it is not surprising that Obama was for homosexual marriage before he was against it. "Despite the platitudes that he's thrown out during the election saying that he believes in traditional marriage, his actions and prior words show that he unequivocally defends and agrees with the ridiculous and oxymoronic notion of same-sex marriage," he contends. "He has called for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). He has congratulated homosexuals in California who entered into so-called marriages after the activist California court out there imposed same-sex marriage on the people of California."

No Obama must decide which promise he will honor. The early on to the fringe group, or the later one to his mainstream audience. He recently invited an openly gay minister (Gene Robinson) to deliver the prayer at one of his events, to dampen the protest against having Rick Warren also speak, so he seems to be wanting to have it both ways. See Chick's SIN CITY.


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