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Location: Tallahassee, Florida, United States welcomes all opinions from any religion or viewpoint in the common appreciation of Chick tracts. This blog, however, will highlight religious events and controversies that would be of special interest to regular Chick readers. You don't have to agree with them or each other, but if you read Chick tracts or Battlecry, you might expect these type stories to be addressed. (Sorry, no personal attacks allowed.) All main postings are from writers and any responses are from the public

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Chistian Bookstore Removes Female Pastor Covers

The Lifeway Christian Bookstore chain stocks many Christian magazines on its shelves. But now it has pulled the latest issue of 'Gospel Today' because of its cover, which showcases some prominent women pastors. The bookstore chain is owned by the Southern Baptist Convention, which says that its denomination does not approve of female church leaders. See Chick's REV. WONDERFUL


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