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Friday, August 10, 2007

Dems Hold "Gay Debate". Clinton says Gays Are Moral

The Democrats held a special "gay debate" last night, ran by a homosexual activist group. Most the Democratic candidates attended (except Biden and Dobbs). All urged that practicing homosexuals be allowed in the military and the repeal of the current law that allows them to serve if they don't broadcast their homosexuality publically. Being aware that most Americans are against gay marriage, only two Democrats publically embraced it (former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel and Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio). Hillary Clinton apologized for not taking a stronger pro-gay stand ealier when she wouldn't disagree with a general who said homosexual sex was immoral. "It was a mistake," she said. She later issued a statement saying that she did not think being gay was immoral. Obama said he supported gay civil unions and that his church (United Church of Christ) supports gay marriage, but he avoided saying that he personally supported both. John Edwards disputed an earlier quote that he was "uncomfortable around gays". Now he says he is perfectly comfortable around them. (Considering how much money they donate to the Democrats, he better be!) See Chick's SIN CITY.


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