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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Gay Anti-Bullying Campaigner Bullies Christians

Dan Savage offended some Christian teens when he told them "We can learn to ignore the bull---t in the Bible about gay people."

 Savage made his comments during a speech at the National High School Journalist Conference in Seattle. After many students walked out of the speech, one of whom appeared to be crying, Savage said, “It’s funny, as someone who’s on the receiving end of beatings that are justified by the bible, how pansy-assed some people react when you push back.”

 Fox News reports that Savage's comments upset the executive director of GOProud, a gay conservative group. "Dan Savage should apologize for his comments and should apologize to the high school students in attendance whom he called ‘pansy-asses,’” Jimmy LaSalvia told Fox. “It is ironic that someone whose claim to fame is fighting bullying would resort to bullying tactics in attacking high school students who were offended by his outrageous remarks.”

Pink News reports that Savage said he was sorry if he hurt anyone, but did not apologize for what he said. See Chick's THE GAY BLADE.


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