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Sunday, December 04, 2011

Bachmann Promises to Reverse Judicial Activism in Iowa

GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann would turn back the clock on gay marriage in Iowa if she was elected - because that's what the people of Iowa want, she said.

The Minnesota congresswoman appeared on FOX News Sunday and said that Iowa's ruling to overturn a ban on gay marriage did not reflect the will of voters:

"Marriage, historically, for all human history has been between a man and a woman. It hasn't been the same-sex marriage. And remember that in Iowa, it was judges that made the decision -- not the legislature, which are the people's representatives, and certainly, not the people. That's why the people of Iowa threw out three of those Supreme Court judges. That's something that should give pause to all judges. The people of Iowa are sick and tired of the judges tell them what their laws are. They are not a super legislator. They are judges. And they need to act like judges. As president of the United States, I will only appoint judges that will apply the strict construction or the original intent of the Constitution of the United States."

Last year Iowa voters ousted three of the seven state Supreme Court justices who unanimously decided that an Iowa law restricting marriage to a man and a woman violated the state's constitution. (Only three were on the ballot, the other four get there turn in 2012.) The unprecedented move followed a nearly three-month long campaign waged by activists angry over gay marriage being legalized from the bench and beyond the ballot box or legislature of Iowa.

Bachmann has previously criticized the Iowa judges as "black robed masters" and praised voters for getting rid of them.

"You said enough is enough and sent them packing, and I'm very proud of what you’ve done," she told a Des Moines group of home school advocates in March. "It’s very rare that a judge does not go back to office."

Bachmann's opposition to gay marriage got her into a heated exchange with Iowa high school students last week, when she claimed that gay people have the same civil rights as all Americans.

"They can get married," Bachmann said. "But they abide by the same law as everyone else. They can marry a man if they're a woman. Or they can marry a woman if they're a man." See Chick's THE GAY BLADE.


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