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Monday, September 26, 2011

Obama Crowd Boos Pro-Jesus Shouts, Cheers Marijuana Shout

A heckler shouting about Jesus Christ interrupted President Barack Obama at a fundraiser before security dragged him out.

It happened at the House of Blues in Los Angeles Monday night.

The man positioned himself up in front of the stage and started shouting loudly right after Obama started talking. The heckler proclaimed that "Jesus Christ is God" and a Christian God. According to Real Clear Politics, the outburst was met with boos from the crowd at the event.

Obama stopped talking. Then after a moment the crowd started chanting "Four more years! Four more years!" and drowned out the heckler.

As he was taken out by security the man called out that Obama is an antichrist.

Later, another, more-friendly heckler shouted out, "Don't forget medical marijuana!" Obama responded: "Thank you for that."

See Chick's SIN CITY.


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