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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Obama Heading For Hell (in Survey)

Republicans don't think Obama would be Raptured

Obama would not fare well in the Rapture, according to GOP voters

Slate's Dave Weigel picked up on what he called the "best poll questions of the
day" from Public Polling Policy's survey of 574 GOP primary voters across the

The questions probed which politicians would go to Heaven if the Rapture came.
Obama, according to most Republican voters, would not fare well. The survey
results were as follows:

Do you think Barack Obama would be taken up to Heaven in the Rapture or not?

Think Obama would be taken up to Heaven: 19 percent

Think he would not: 44 percent

Not sure: 37 percent

Meanwhile, more than half of respondents thought Sarah Palin would be Raptured:

Do you think Sarah Palin would be taken up to Heaven in the Rapture or not?

Think Palin would be taken up to Heaven: 51 percent

Think she would not: 13 percent

Not sure: 35 percent. See Chick's WHO IS MISSING?


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