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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama Supports Gay Normalization For World

The Obama administration announced it will endorse a U.N. declaration calling for the worldwide decriminalization of homosexuality that then-President George W. Bush had refused to sign. U.S. officials said Tuesday they had notified the declaration's French sponsors that the administration wants to be added as a supporter.

When it was voted on in December, 66 (less than half) of the U.N.'s 192 member countries signed the declaration — which backers called a historic step to push the General Assembly to deal more forthrightly with anti-homosexual discrimination. But 70 U.N. members outlaw homosexuality -- and in several, homosexual acts can be punished by execution. More than 50 nations, including members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, opposed the declaration.

Some Islamic countries said at the time that protecting sexual orientation could lead to "the social normalization and possibly the legalization of deplorable acts" such as pedophilia and incest. The declaration was also opposed by the Vatican. See Chick's DOOM TOWN.


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